This week is Thanksgiving. Our first with darling Izzy, and Christmas is just a month away. We put up the tree right after Halloween and Izzy was completely terrified of it but day by day she is getting better about it. She loves to crawl/scoot over to it and play with the snowflake decorations on the tree skirt. Also, Granny made us ornaments last year and Izzy adores the little reef made out of bobby pins. It will not be long until she is running around the house.
Last week, I made her Great Strides Montage (see below). I was looking through all the newborn pictures trying to pick one and I just cannot believe how big she is getting. She is just absolutely amazing. I remember just 8 short months ago I had not even met her and now if I have to go more than a day without her, I get so depressed. Don't get me wrong, kids are hard. Especially CF kids, but I wouldn't trade Izzy for anything. So on that note, I thought I would write a short list (as in not all inclusive) of everything I'm thankful for because I really do have SO much to be thankful for this year.
I am thankful:
-for my beautiful baby girl born safely 03/15/2008
-for not being in the hospital right now for any of my friends or family
-for clear throat cultures for Izzy
-for good sounding lungs and weight gained for Izzy
-for developmental milestones for Izzy
-for a beautiful home
-for a loving and honest husband
-for a stable, good career
-for supportive family
-for a wonderful caregiver for my daughter
-for food in my belly (big though it may be)
-for all my friends in real life and online
-for money to pay the bills and a little extra to give gifts
-for the ability to bless others
-for my 5 years with Precious- she was a great cat, and
-most of all, for hope for the future.
We love you all and will post more pictures and video soon! Please be safe and happy this holiday while you see your family and remember for all that you have to be thankful!
Isabel Iva is our little angel. She joined our family on March 15th, 2008. We love her to pieces and enjoy learning more about her little personality each day. We learned on April 5th, 2008 that little Izzy has Cystic Fibrosis. We are hopeful that the ongoing research will help find a cure. Until that time, we will love our little girl all the more, because for us, each healthy day is a blessing.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Great Strides 2009 Montage
If you would like to register to walk or donate, please follow the link below:
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Izzy is Grooving
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Getting So Big, Izzy sets up now

Here is our little contender. She loves her bath time.

I'm not holding her up here and yesterday I left the room while she was laying on the floor and when I came back she was sitting up.

Here is one of her waves. She can now wave hello and goodbye. She also can say "Hi" while she waves hello and sometime "Baba" while waving bye.

She doesn't look like a baby anymore.

This is one of her favorite games. I hold her arms up and say "So Big." And she just laughs and laughs.

Here is one of her in her exersaucer.

This was one of my nursing covers that she wouldn't let me use b/c she didn't want it covering her up. Now she doesn't want it NOT covering her up. Too bad we aren't still nursing.

Here she is with my cousin, Ame. Ame and Izzy spend a lot of time together b/c Ame lives close. She loves Ame almost as much as she loves me.

This is a picture on September 20th with the Smith's for Poppy's 90th birthday party.

Izzy just kept hugging and loving on Poppy.

I don't know if anyone is interested but here is the medicine that Izzy takes everyday just to lead a normal life.

Here is Izzy doing her breathing treatment in the morning. She normally sleeps through this one. Soon she will be big enough to do it on her own. Right now I still hold her or watch her closely while she is doing it.
Now for some videos:
Izzy got this toy for her 7th month birthday (didn't get that from me on the video-- LOL) from Granna. She loves it.
Here is a little video of Izzy doing her fish face breathing treatment.
She is really teething. She has 2 teeth (on the bottom) and is working on the two up top.
Ha! Ha! Spin that toy, Izzy! Well, that's all for now. Izzy is feeling a little better and gaining weight again. Her cough is a lot less wet and not as frequent so everyone's thoughts seem to be helping! I hope you are all having a great month! Next time I post I should have pictures of Izzy at her Aunt Ali's wedding!
Love to All!
Izzy's Mommy
Friday, October 10, 2008
We hate winter...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I'm half a year old...
Today was my half birthday. It is also my Granna's birthday. I was sad because I really wanted to see Granna today but I the closest I got was wearing one of the outfits she got for me. Aren't I cute in my little red hat?

Last Sunday we went to Church with Nonni and Papaw. It is the church that Papa recommended for us. I get to see his friends from the foundation every Sunday. They said that they are going to tease him about getting to see me every week. I wore another pretty dress from Granna with shoes and socks and everything. I'm getting so big. Mommy and Daddy really need to baby proof, because soon I will be scooting around.
And my dress had so many neat textures to touch.

Oh, hi!

Wow, I have a lot of people.

Here I am trying to crawl.

Can you see the teeth I'm getting?

I'm a little sleepy!

Look at my belly button! Is this what Mommy meant when she said that I was going to dress up today?

Ha, ha! Papaw is so funny!

Gosh, this teeth are sharp!

See my hair bow.

I like to sit Indian style.

I'm shy.

I can sit-up on my own now.

Seriously, I'm getting spots before my eyes from all the flashes!

I tried to talk Daddy into taking me to Granna's but he said that he had to go to work. So here I'm at on my way to my Chrissy's on 09/15/2008.

Last Sunday we went to Church with Nonni and Papaw. It is the church that Papa recommended for us. I get to see his friends from the foundation every Sunday. They said that they are going to tease him about getting to see me every week. I wore another pretty dress from Granna with shoes and socks and everything. I'm getting so big. Mommy and Daddy really need to baby proof, because soon I will be scooting around.
These shoes Granna got for me are really yummy.

And my dress had so many neat textures to touch.

Oh, hi!

Wow, I have a lot of people.

Here I am trying to crawl.

Can you see the teeth I'm getting?

I'm a little sleepy!

Look at my belly button! Is this what Mommy meant when she said that I was going to dress up today?

Ha, ha! Papaw is so funny!

Gosh, this teeth are sharp!

See my hair bow.

I like to sit Indian style.

I'm shy.

I can sit-up on my own now.
Mommy may have gotten a little camera happy!

Seriously, I'm getting spots before my eyes from all the flashes!
Ok, fine. But only a few more and these are the good ones...
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