Life at our home has been very busy.

Izzy is sitting up on her own and talking to us all the time.

She also got to go swimming a few times this summer. She is a water baby.
Izzy is finally getting some hair!

She can say Momma and Dada now but I don't think she realizes that those names are for Jordan and me. Her with Nonni and Papaw being a goof!

Izzy is also started to cry when put down and to avoid eye contact with strangers. Our little girl would rather visit with her 'Press' than people.

We went on an outing on Saturday to "The Big Biscuit" and she was very good, aside from trying to steal my cup. LOL. Wonder where she learned that??

She is eating really well. She has about 5 bottles a day and she has been sleeping from 10pm to 6am at night. We are really excited about that! She is also eating sweet potatoes, carrots, sweet peas, bananas, oatmeal meal, cereal, pears, peaches and squash. Her faces as she eats are adorable. Also, she keeps trying to feed herself and choking herself with the spoon.

She really likes toys and is trying very hard to be mobile. She keeps tasting all of her stuff animals in hopes of finding a delicious one. LOL. So far no luck! Our family found a church a couple weeks ago, we really like it and think we will be going every Sunday morning.
Finally, once again let us review that we have been very busy and IZMO (me) is very tired from all the running around. Just look at these dark circles under my eyes.

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