This is the sentence that Izzy spoke to me this morning as I was putting her nebulizer mask on for her 5:30 AM breathing treatment. Of course, this is even more impressive because it actually is Wednesday and Izzy knew that yesterday was Tuesday as well. For two years old, Izzy is doing remarkably well on her communication and her inituitive thought process (although I might be baised.)
Things have been going really well with her Montessori school. She finally took a full nap yesterday and not only ate part of her lunch but also ate her afternoon snack and drank some of her milk. She loves school and is very excited to go each day. I think that she might even be a little disappointed when the weekend comes.
I am having a great time at work just learning the ropes. I believe that my position is a great fit for my background and experience. Plus, my coworkers are a pleasure. We are actually having a birthday month lunch today and I brought baked beans.
This weekend is 4th of July. The neighborhood kids are already setting off fireworks but thankfully not in the direction of our roof and Izzy is sleeping right through them. My mom is coming up Friday night and I'm sure we will do some swimming and BBQ'ing but no big plans for the 4th. Also, since Izzy seems easily scared by loud noises we will probably avoid most of the fireworks displays.
I hope everyone is having a great day!
Please take a moment today to think about Conner Reed Long. His burial is today and I'm sure it is a hard day for them. I wish peace for their hearts and minds as they say farewell for now to Conner.
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