Friday, September 9, 2011

Welcome to 2011 (9 months in...)

So this year has been amazing!

Izzy had another gymnastics birthday party to celebrate her 3rd birthday. Izzy moved up to pre-school. We took a trip to Disney World. Izzy joined Ballet, Roller Skating and Gymnastics full time (gosh, she sounds really athletic but she is as clumsy as Mommy and Daddy.) We skipped Great Strides but Mommy and several friends and co-workers ran in the Brew-to-Brew relay race (about 45 miles!!!) to benefit the local CFF chapter. Mommy also ran in Warrior Dash. We have been to the zoo several times to see Nikita (the new boy polar bear.) We went on field trips and visited family and Izzy is so excited for Fall, for pumpkins and Halloween and of course, Christmas. We have also been there for our families as they struggle through some moves, births, deaths and weddings. It has definitely been an adventure. Please enjoy some of the pictures from Disney World posted below.

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